Sunday, March 6, 2011

Houses Are Where People Live

So economic ruin is upon our nation (ie. the USA, but most other nations, too). And the problem is that our economy is basically illusory. I am hopeful that people will cease to view houses as investments are start viewing them again as a place in which to live. There was a time you'd burn a man's house when he died, to kind of honor him and symbolize that he's no longer among the world of the living. "He don't live here no more." Actually, I'm not sure this was regularly practiced at any time in history, but maybe it should have been.

On top of the home mortgage crisis, we should become aware that the economy (goods and services traded and rendered) and the shadow economy (pieces of paper that give people shares of imagined revenue from companies, sometimes called the Stock Market) aren't working very well together. To put the point on it: a company can be entirely viable, earning a profit by supplying goods/services, but not experiencing enough GROWTH to keep the shareholders happy. And so it gets sold, or dissolved, even though the economy was doing just fine as it was. In this way, I'm anti-capitalism, even though I'm 100% pro-free markets. The problem is that exponential GROWTH can't continue indefinitely. You don't have to be an economist to understand that. Sooner or later you just have to settle for making a living. And this is why we need to find a way to bring the focus away from corporations and back to companies. Companies making things, do stuff. Corporations inefficiently reap the benefits of the operation of companies, buy and sell companies, close them down after they've used them up.

Anyway, enough rambling for today. I'll post some more fiction in the next day or two.

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